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Next Teacher Training 200h:
Next Dates: From August 3rd To August 25th, 2024
Power Yoga
Stronger, More Flexible, Happier
Yoga lessons for all levels
Discover it.
A Big Family!
since 2013 growing with you.
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Del 30 de mayo al 2 de Junio en Ayagaures

Del 30 de mayo al 2 de Junio vente con nosotros a una preciosa casa entre montañas en el Barranco de Ayagaures, Gran Canaria.
Un paraje natural único, Reserva de la Biosfera, ideal para desconectar del ajetreo cotidiano y conectar con la naturaleza.

En este retiro buscaremos detoxificar y purificar cuerpo y mente para poder reconectar con nuestra esencia.

Puedes consultar el programa completo al final de la página

retiro yoga

retiro yoga

Empezaremos el día detoxificando el cuerpo en ayunas con kriyas (ejercicios de limpieza), pranayamas (ejercicios de respiración) y asanas.

Despertaremos nuestro lado más yang con talleres vigorosos al más puro estilo power, y nuestro lado yin e introspectivo con meditación y yoga nidra.

Aprenderemos a volar, a confiar en nosotros y en los demás, divirtiéndonos con sesiones de acroyoga lunar y solar.

Habrá varios senderismos en los que disfrutaremos del barranco de ayagaures y su espectacular presa, conectando con la naturaleza y sus elementos. Además en estas fechas estaremos casi en luna nueva, por lo que tendremos la suerte de contemplar preciosas noches estrelladas.

Ayagaures Hábitat Arte es una casa en las montañas, alejada del bullicio de la ciudad y la contaminación, un remanso de paz donde desconectar para reconectar.
Es un espacio alternativo que fomenta la agricultura orgánica y el cuidado del medio ambiente. Está construido con mucho detalle y cariño, siendo idóneo para retiros, descansos, detox y alimentación natural.

La casa dispone de una preciosa sala de yoga acristalada y con tarima de madera donde realizaremos talleres y meditaciones.

Cuenta también con un amplio jardín con magníficas vistas, donde podremos realizar alguna sesión de yoga, meditación y acroyoga.

Hay 9 camas individuales repartidas en 3 habitaciones, 2 baños, una cocina y un comedor. Dentro y fuera de la casa hay varias zonas con sofás estilo chill out donde relajarse en los ratos de tiempo libre.

retiro yoga

retiro yoga

Habrá 3 comidas vegetarianas/veganas diarias con bebida incluída.

La cocina será ayurvédica y estará preparada por Eva, una cocinera especializada en ello.

Será especialmente pensada y diseñada siguiendo el propósito detoxificante y revitalizador del retiro.

Alberto Jorge, Director y fundador de Power Yoga Canarias se encargará de guiarte en las sesiones de Yoga, Meditación, Pranayama, Kriyas, Acroyoga, Yoga Nidra y talleres.

Jose Santiago, geólogo y experto senderista, nos llevará a descubrir y disfrutar de la naturaleza del lugar, el barranco de Ayagaures y la Presa. Con él aprenderemos también a interpretar el cielo y reconocer las estrellas.

Eva San Gil, titulada en cocina ayurvédica, se encargará de elegir y preparar las comidas (vegetarianas/veganas) que nos ayudarán en este proceso de detoxificación y revitalización.

retiro yoga

retiro yoga

Precios y Reservas
4 días, 3 noches con alojamiento, comidas y actividades - 339€

La reserva son 139€ y una vez efectuada no habrá devolución, el resto deberá abonarse antes del comienzo del retiro - Plazas limitadas

Información y Reservas:

Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
609450448 / 616148950

12:00-13:00 - Llegada, acomodación y distribución de habitaciones + Presentación programa

13:00-14:30 - Sesión introductoria al Power Yoga Intensivo

14:30-15:30 - Rico Almuerzo

15:30-16:30 - Descanso

16:30- 19:00 - Senderismo hasta la presa + Baño y actividades en la presa

19:00- 21:30 - Acroyoga (Introducción +Acroyoga lunar)

21:30- 22:30 - Rica Cena

22:30 - Descanso o Tiempo libre (Juegos de entretenimiento grupal)

 - Ayuno, Detox Balance (Asanas, Kriyas, Pranayama, Meditación)

9:30- 10:30 - Rico Desayuno

10:30-11:30 - Tiempo libre

11:30-14:00 - Handsbalance (Equilibrios de manos: el arte del balance)

14:30- 15:30 . Rico Almuerzo

15:30-16:30 - Descanso

16:30- 21:30 - Senderismo + Prana Power (yoga en la naturaleza)

21:30- 22:30 - Rica Cena

22:30 - Cine, descanso o tiempo libre

 - Ayuno, Detox Balance (Asanas, Kriyas, Pranayama, Meditación)

9:30- 10:30 - Rico Desayuno

10:30-11:30 - Tiempo libre

11:30-14:00 - Power Training (Cardio y propiocepción combinado con fuerza de resistencia y PowerYoga)

14:30- 15:30 - Rico Almuerzo

15:30-16:30 Descanso

16:30- 18:30 - Emotions Balance (Workshop Apertura de caderas)

19:00- 21:00 - Yoga Nidra (Sueño consciente)

21:30- 22:30 - Rica Cena

22:30 - Descanso o senderismo nocturno con interpretación y observatorio de estrellas

  - Ayuno, Detox Balance (Asanas, Kriyas, Pranayama, Meditación)

9:30- 10:30 - Rico Desayuno

10:30-11:30 - Tiempo libre

11:30-14:00 - Acroyoga Solar

14:30- 15:30 - Rico Almuerzo

15:30- 17:00 - Despedida y salida


Hiking with Yoga
Hiking sessions
Every month a new route.
Taking advantage of the magnificent temperatures of Gran Canaria we take you to practice yoga in the middle of nature. In addition to practicing yoga you will have the opportunity to learn the history and geography of the areas that we will be walking. That is why our walks are not only with yoga, but interpretive. Ask us and we will tell you when the dates are.

Pay attention to our facebook to know more about dates and routes
senderismo gran canaria


“ My task is to help you choose the diet, the type of yoga and the most appropriate breathing techniques for your Ayurvedic constitution. Deepening in Yoga and Ayurveda, we gain in conscience and health.”

Elena Filippova - Ayurveda and Yoga

Born in Russia and nationalized in Spain, Elena Filippova began her personal yoga practice in 2002, following the teachings of the B.S.K. Iyengar in the Iyengar Yoga center of Madrid.
In 2015 she studied Transpersonal Therapy at the School of Transpersonal Development, beginning with holoscopic and holotropic breathing techniques, family constellations, Zen meditation, Vipassana, etc. The same year she experienced a change of consciousness that led her to move to Gran Canaria, where she continued to discover other yoga styles, such as Vinyasa Flow, Yin Yoga, Hatha vinyasa and Ashtanga among others.
In 2017 she moved to India to deepen her studies of Ayurveda, making an immersion in a clinic, beginning with ayurvedic doctors (vaidya) of sixth generation. She was studying the Vedic philosophy and the diagnoses, attending the consultations and studying the cases of real patients, receiving and practicing the Panchakarma treatment and delving into the Ayurvedic cuisine. Upon finishing her studies, she obtained the degree certified by the Uttaranchal University. In the following months of her residency in India, she was trained as a certified Yoga teacher (RYT 500 Multi-style & Yoga Therapy) by the Association for Yoga and Meditation (AYM), registered in Yoga Alliance USA.
She currently teaches regular Yoga classes in Power Yoga Canarias, also makes consultations and teaches lifestyle and food according to Ayurveda.

To learn more: www.ayurvedayyoga.com

"Stronger, happier, and more flexible..."
Our priority is your health
Call us and tell us what goal you want to get, in what state you are, if you are pregnant, if you need to de-stress, if you have a physical injury that you want to rehabilitate, or if you are simply an athlete looking for more ... ... !!!
We work resistance, balance, physical integrity and breathing through the strength and flexibility of the mind ...
Why practice Yoga?
  • Practicing Yoga you will feel more balanced, raise your self-esteem, strengthen your mind and your immune system... to keep you healthy and young... through the asanas and breathing techniques.
  • Yoga is a practice that helps with self discovery, and to detox from other environments, renewing a healthier lifestyle, in addition to constantly keeping you in shape.
  • Start practicing Yoga with us in classes at Power Yoga Canarias!
  • Assimilate the breathing techniques and meditation to heal and rejuvenate yourself!
  • Connect with yourself and breathe life... Open your heart to this practice... and to yourself.
  • Reach places in your body where you've never been and teach your mind that 'love is the power'.
  • Bring out the happiness that is within you!
Clase PowerYoga 01

Clase Power Yoga 02
Power Yoga Canarias: our studio is your studio
iscover, learn, explore, and feel without judgment or prejudice, the perfect mix of traditional and modern Yoga. Learn a little more about this free and innovative style of yoga. Explore how far you've gotten with your personal practice or get started with us!
Stronger, happier, and more flexible is how you will feel practicing with Power Yoga Canarias.
What is “Power Yoga”?
Power Yoga is a lifestyle and a form of Freestyle Yoga! It has its roots in traditional methods, but unlike them it does not adhere to any rigid rules, leaving space for creativity and enjoyment.

Asanas (Stances) are practiced in a dynamic and energizing way that tone the body and allow for controlling the mind; it's a moving meditation that follows natural laws that dictate balance and flexibility, posture and rest, breathing and concentration, self-delivery, and your fears. Power Yoga also involves the practice of Pranayama (Control of Breathing) to teach you how to take control of your life using the knowledge of proper breathing techniques, a knowledge that can be useful in your day-to-day routine.
What determines how far we can get is how receptive we are to growth!
Center Directors


Alberto Jorge
Founder and Teacher. Pioneer of Power Yoga in Canary Islands.
Yoga Lessons
Intensive Yoga
Intensive Power Yoga is a unique style created by our studio director: Alberto Jorge. It will make you stronger, more flexible and happier, raising your self-esteem day by day.High Level Style.
Fusion Yoga
FUSION YOGA is, as its name says, a fusion and combination of two different styles: VINYASA YOGA (a dynamic yoga) and our main style, POWER YOGA (with its roots in Asthanga Yoga). It is then an intermediate level between our INTEGRAL and INTENSIVE classes. Yoga lovers will just need it!
Integral Yoga
A class suitable for everyone, beginners and advanced, that is based on teachings of Hatha, Ashtanga and Iyengar Yoga. It is an appointment with yourself! Calm your anxiety through the basic techniques of postures (asanas), breathing (pranayama) and meditation.
Through Vipassana Meditation we train our mind and attend to all aspects of ourselves that need our attention to be healed, integrated and accepted. Thus a transformation, an internal alchemy, with a deep understanding of who we are is produced. Meditation will be in silent.
Power Air/Power Air Family
A style of Yoga based on techniques from Air Yoga/Aerial Yoga with Power Yoga. (RESERVATION REQUIRED).
It's the Saturday morning workshop class that blends together perfectly everything we do during the week in all of the other classes, alternating teachers and styles. Start your weekend at Power Yoga Canarias... discovering more about the yoga life style!.
Restorative Yoga
It is the genlte class designed at Power Yoga Canarias intended for every-body, including BEGINNERS and PREGNANT*. It uses Power Yoga energy of our School but more subtly, more YIN. A less dynamic class so that your body can regenerate, stay healthy and adapt to the practice of Yoga gradually.
*Prenatal yoga improves circulation, reduces water retention and improves breathing, a technique so important to help with relaxation during delivery.

Monthly unlimited pass

  • Remember that with UNLIMITED PASS you can come every day, whenever you want!!!65€
  • Reduce*55€
More unlimited pass
  • 1 week**45€
  • 2 week**55€
  • 3 month175€
  • 6 month330€
  • 1 Year600€
*People younger than 20 y/o and older than 60 y/o
Rates "mini"
  • 3 class pack33€

    (to be used within a month period)

  • 6 class pack55€

    (to be used within a 3 month period)

  • Single class 12€
  • 1 month meditation class15€